Ulysses shakespeare and company
Ulysses shakespeare and company

At your next visit you might meet Gertrude Stein or Valery Larbaud or Claude Cahun. She notes the title on your lending library card and reminds you to return the book by the end of the week. You bring it to Sylvia, who seems to approve. (You’re relieved that Shakespeare and Company has fantasy novels.) But then you see a thin volume with a colorful cover: Woolf’s Kew Gardens (1919), recently published in a limited edition by Hogarth Press with woodcuts by Vanessa Bell.

ulysses shakespeare and company ulysses shakespeare and company

You also consider, somewhat guiltily, Andrew Soutar’s Equality Island (1919). You consider Ezra Pound’s collection of essays, Pavannes and Divisions (1918), and Upton Sinclair’s muck-racking The Brass Check (1919). Shakespeare and Company was an influential English-language bookstore in Paris founded by Sylvia Beach in 1919 Beach published James Joyce 's 1922 novel Ulysses at the bookstore. It’s out, but Sylvia suggests checking back later in the week. Shakespeare and Company evokes the zeitgeist of an era through its revealing glimpses of James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway, Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, Andre Gide, Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, Alice B. You ask about Virginia Woolf’s recent novel, Night and Day (1919). You look at recent magazines- The New Republic and The Dial, Poetry and Playboy. The women who made ‘Ulysses’ Culture Jby Peter McDermott James Joyce, Sylvia Beach and Adrienne Monnier at the Shakespeare and Company bookstore in Paris. She also notes your membership and payment in a logbook. Sylvia hands you membership card and creates a lending library card to keep track of your borrowing activities.

Ulysses shakespeare and company