Loth-wolves, creatures native to Lothal, were intrinsically tied to the World Between Worlds and were capable of traveling through the realm in a similar manner to hyperspace travel. It was accessible from a painting of the Mortis gods- Father, Daughter, and Son-that decorated the exterior of the Jedi Temple on the planet Lothal. The World Between Worlds, otherwise referred to as the Vergence Scatter, was described within the Chain Worlds Theorem, visualized in the Sacred Jedi texts kept within the Jedi Temple on the planet Ahch-To.

The realm was accessed through a painting of the Mortis gods on the Lothal Jedi Temple. I'm asking you to let go." ―Ezra Bridger and Ahsoka Tano, on the power and limitations the realm held " Yes, I do you can't save your master, and I can't save mine. " You don't understand what you're asking me to do." If he's taken out of this moment… you all die."

" Ezra, Kanan gave his life so that you can live. If I can change your fate, I can change his." " Here in this place, I can change things.