The Haunting by Bill Myers
The Haunting by Bill Myers

The Haunting by Bill Myers

I'm going to start with something positive: the narration by the author was very good.

The Haunting by Bill Myers

Thanks for reading, and I hope you read the Best Book Ever (it's called The Bible) they may be rare, but these things DO happen. If you are experiencing ANYHING even remotely similar, tell a trusted-and spiritually strong-Christian, such as your pastor, parent, or youth group leader." "The events in this book are kinda over-the-top to show how the devil is dangerous. Oh, and in the back of my version of this book it says something like. So no matter what you like, or even if you're not a Christian, this book is AWESOME!! GO, MYERS!! This gripping and fast-paced, freak-you-out, edge-of-the-seat-and-falling-off novel is great for everone, even if you don't like scary stories, or you don't like to think about demons, because it has everything- from thriller to drama to romance(but not too much, guys!) to mystery to regular-day-in-the-life (even if sometimes "the life" might get a little, shall we say, CRAZY.) But this book isn't a preacher's sermon about Hell. I was reminded to always wear polished, sturdy armor in great working condition- for God comes "like a theif in the night", without warning, to execute judgement. I learned from this book that the devil is very powerful, but God is in a WAY higher DIMENSION, let alone class, than the devil and we should fully rely on God- F.R.O.G.

The Haunting by Bill Myers