What did you make of this list? What books would you have included? Let us know in the comments below. I will try looking around to see if I can find the 125 lists by the authors interviewed. That is all for Time Magazine’s ten greatest books of all time list. Authors tend have a bit more apprecation for the classics because they have a deeper understanding because of their profession. Seeing how many of these books are well-regarded classics, I will say I am not shocked. The most common author chosen was Shakespeare followed by a tie between William Faulkner and Henry James. You may be curious about the 125 top ten lists and we do have some information at hand. In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust and The Stories of Anton Chekhov by Anton Chekhov are books I know nothing about and may have overlooked if I came across them before. It is still interesting that I am niot familiar with all of these books. Many of these books are classics and books that show up on many lists. If you ever wanted to know what your favorite authors were reading, then look no further. The Stories of Anton Chekhov by Anton Chekhov.In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (Standard Classics) Paperback Januby William Shakespeare (Author) 425 ratings Kindle 0.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook 0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover 11.26 3 Used from 8.90 7 New from 8.71 Paperback 5.25 1 New from 5.25 Mass Market Paperback 11.Time Magazine’s Ten Greatest Books of All Time Time then took all the list and combined them like Frankenstein’s monster and made one list to rule them all. I am sure I am not the only one that wants to see these lists. This list was made in 2007 by interviewing big name authors, 125 of them to be exact and asking them what their top ten was.