When Tasha tells him to stop that she isnt gonna take it anymore it reminded me of things that happen everyday women in abusive relationships. Tasha at fisr let Trey bully her around and didnt say anything but then she got sick of it and stood up to him.Tis book made me relaize that we shouldnt let any guy push us around just because were scared to looose him.

This book was interesting because it elated to alot of things that happent odayy and to young kids. And they eventually started to get there act togethor and stop letting men run there lives. They ended up tryna work there problems out and Angel met somebodyya s well. Her kids were twins and very annoying always arguing and making it hard for her. Tasha tried to leave the whole thug and huistling game thing behind but just like the men find it addicting so did she. Angel just got out of a serious relationship and wasnt looking for anyone or anything but time with her girls that she honestlyy would do anything for.

The main character Tasha just met Trey and they start to hang out alot and just do things togethor they hardlyy knew each other but something kept her coming back to him acouple months later they make it official and start to date they have 2 kids togethor and in the begiining of the book he was really violent but she didnt haver the guts to leave him. The name of the book i read was called Every Thug Needs a Lady by Wahida Clark.The theme of this book is about the streets and love.This book is about 4 main characters and is another oart to a book I previously read.